What is it?
The latest innovation in hair technology in Singapore, Advante treatment gives you beautiful, moisturised & silky-smooth hair while also offering the option to straighten or curl your hair.
Each step & ingredient is formulated to repair the hair. Advante contains natural extracts (namely: meadowfoam, macademia seed oil, jojoba seed oil, persimmon fruit juice ferment extract and silk) to nourish the hair and protect it against environmental/thermal damage.
What's the difference between Classic Rebonding/Perm & Advante Treatment?
Traditional rebonding/perms rely on opening the outside layer (cuticles) of the hair to straighten or curl the hair. This often has the side effect of causing nutrients (lipids) found in the inside layer (cortex) to slip out.
The cuticles are also responsible from protecting your hair from environmental pollutants, and UV rays. For those who constantly rebond/perm, this results in your hair looking duller & drier over time.

Cross-section of hair strand (Image credit: Tes Teach)
Advante treatment however, does not have to open the hair cuticles to shape the hair. This is because it is an acidic lotion, and is able to work at a low pH of 4-6. (Unlike traditional rebonding/perm lotions that are alkaline and have to work at higher pH of 7.5-9)
This means the cortex of the hair & its nutrients are still well-protected by its cuticles, thereby minimising hair damage. From light, airy curls to ones that are tighter & have more definition, a variety of perm styles is possible. Our stylists will consult with you to find the one that brings out your best features.
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What's the difference between a Keratin Treatment & Advante Treatment (Straightening)?
For those who have always relied on keratin treatment to straighten their hair & tame frizz, Advante is the more gentler option to help smooth, give strength, softness, & shine to your hair. Considered the "second generation" after Keratin, it does not contain formaldehyde (a solution which some may be sensitive to).
With keratin, it can also be difficult to change your hairstyle in future (e.g: doing certain colours/perm/rebonding) as the keratin pigment would get in the way of that. Advante Treatment makes it easier to change hairstyles in the future (although it also depends on how damage your hair is in the first place!)
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What's the difference between "Advante Treatment Straightening", "Keratin Treatment" and "Rebonding" ?
While all 3 services straightens the hair, the chemicals used differ in terms of strength. In simple terms: Gentlest: Advante Treatment Straightening (or Perming) Middle: Kaizen Keratin Treatment Strong: Classic Rebonding (or Perming)
Stylists' recommendations depend on: a) the style/goal you want to achieve, b) your current hair condition as assessed by our hairstylist in person
Who is it suitable for?
✓ Those with damaged hair who want to make their hair smooth, moisturised & easier to manage through straightening
✓ Those who love the look of straightened or permed hair, but avoid rebonding/perming due to how dry their hair becomes
✓ Those who want to tame their frizzy hair (caused by chemical services)
✓ Those who have curled hair (naturally or previously permed), who wish to keep their curls but want to improve the curls' texture
Who is it not suitable for?
Given the gentle nature of Advante, we do not recommend it for individuals with strong natural waves in their hair. In this case, your hair is actually too healthy! A traditional soft rebonding/perm/kaizen keratin treatment might be recommended instead, as it is stronger.
Can it be done on bleached hair? Will it cause more damage?
Yes it can! However, it depends on the original level of damage of the hair, and the style you are seeking. If damage is too severe however, our stylists may not advise doing Advante at all.
For those with lightly damaged hair (e.g: hair that has been bleached once), both straightening and perm is possible. The strength & longevity of the curls however, is dependent on the level of hair damage.
For those with heavily damaged hair (e.g: hair that has been bleached twice or more), our stylists may recommend doing only straightening. This is because perms tend to make hair look drier, and while it may be possible curl the hair, the overall hair would look dry.
A great thing about Advante Treatment is that it is primarily a treatment, and thus will not cause great damage to your hair the way a traditional rebonding/straightening would.
Can I do both colouring and Advante at the same time?
We do not recommend doing both at the same time. However, if you have relatively healthy hair, and wish to only dye one full colour (no bleach), we advise colouring first, waiting a week or so to stabilise the colour, before doing Advante.
How long will it last?
It will last between 2/3 months, to half a year - depending on: a) the original level of hair damage b) whether homecare products are used.
Every treatment includes a home-care product (worth $40) to prolong the treatment's longevity. It restores hair to a healthy state & helps with detangling your hair.
The Process
1) To ensure the best possible result, we recommend doing a haircut beforehand to remove the split ends & have the hair length cut to the appropriate length. This is especially so for perms.

2) Moisture is added to your hair by washing it with Advante shampoo.

3) Advante first lotion (either a straightening or curl lotion), containing GMT is applied.
Our stylists will tailor the lotion's mixing ratio in consideration of the current condition of your hair, which ranges from: virgin/coarse hair to slightly, medium, or heavily damaged.
4) Our stylists will do a strand check by straightening/curling a few pieces. If the hair has been softened enough, it will be able to retain its new shape & they can proceed.

5) Hair is rinsed & treatment is applied. Our stylists tailor the treatment according to level of hair damage. A spray-on hair treatment (Tokio Outkarami) is also applied prior to the straightening/curling process, to minimise hair damage.

6) A straightening iron or perm rod is then used to style the hair. For perms, in order to avoid hair indentations caused by roller clips, we use rubber bands that do not touch the hair directly. Our stylists select perm rods in varying sizes in consideration of its head placement/desired style.
7) Heat is applied, with the duration dependent on level of hair damage.

8) To fix the new style, a 2nd lotion is then applied before rinsing.
9) Treatment: For individuals with damaged hair, we take extra care by using a more heavy-duty type of treatment; Tokio Inkarami 4M Treatment. It contains: a. Ceramide 2 | an oil that accounts for more than 80% of lipids in hair & can enhance hair barrier & water retention b. 18Mea | an oil present in healthy hair that helps to improve gloss & combing & repair hair. c. Fullerenes | to prevent oxidation

10) Blow-dry hair carefully. The first blow-dry after straightening/perm is important as it helps to set the new style in place.

11) Scroll to see the results!
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Check out Room's Instagram Highlights for more styling ideas:
Click here for Straightened Hair
Click here for Perm Hair
Keen to try Advante? Our stylists will always need to do an in-person consultation to see if your hair is suitable, or recommend an alternative. Book an appointment by whatsapp/call 8814 4360 today!
Advante Treatment Perm $421
Advante Treatment Straightening $486